Market your rentals with Free or Fee-based marketing.
We advertise on these top websites to get maximum exposure for your properties:
Note: (1) This list is subject to change. (2) To list on the MLS, compensation must be offered to the cooperating agent. The amount of compensation is negotiable and is payable only if the tenant is represented by an agent; we’ll guide you on this.
Listing your rental here is free to any client who has bought/sold/financed a property through Steve Rumberg. There is no time limit or expiration date.
If you are not yet a client of Steve Rumberg, you have two options to list your property here:
Either way, we will keep the listing active until you request that it be deactivated; there is no charge to de-activate your listing. You may activate/deactivate your listing as often as you wish. For clients, there is no charge to re-activate; for others, the flat fee is only $24.99 for each re-activation.